Get ready for the new Single Code of Practice and Own Risk Assessments with simple tools and a clear framework

The new Single Code of Practice is on its way, with additional governance requirements and new expectations for a governing body’s approach to Risk Management. While the Code is being refined by the Regulator following consultation, it is apparent that work will need to be done by many pension schemes to comply with the Code and be ready for the Own Risk Assessment (ORA).

Meeting the requirements of the new code will require:

  • Due diligence around what’s currently in place versus what’s required,

  • gap analysis to identify the activities needed for compliance, and

  • planning to ensure the work to achieve compliance is proportionate.

Tools that reduce this administrative effort, particularly in respect of risk management and being ORA ready, will help relieve some of the burden.

This webinar introduces you to the Decision Time software suite and shows how we are already providing Governance and Risk support to a range of financial institutions and other regulated industries across the UK and Ireland. We will also show how our cloud-based software can specifically help governing bodies meet their existing challenges and those looming on the horizon.

Rosanne Corbett joined us from Muse Advisory to share her experience and expertise and provides you with some key insights into their strategic roadmap for complying with the new Code and being ready for the ORA.