Can we do more?

Times have definitely been different these past few months, but it’s inspiring to see how quickly people can adapt to a new situation. 

Here at Decision Time we made the call early to work remotely. Though it’s taken a little time, we’ve definitely found our feet. In the process, we figured our customers could use some help , so we’re giving away extra licenses for the Decision Time platform free of charge. 

We also opened up the platform to hospitals and health trusts free of charge, thinking that in all the chaos of the Covid-19 response, Decision Time could help leaders organise and share information securely. We really hope it made a difference, even just a little bit.

Community Support
At the moment, we’re supporting those working in education and not-for-profit organisations. To help them get their board meetings running smoothly, we’re currently offering free access to our Meetings software until the end of September 2020. If you know of anyone who would benefit from this offer, please pass it on by sharing this post, thank you.

Practical Advice for Remote Governance As more people are getting used to new ways of working, we’re getting lots of questions about the best ways to move decision-making and governance online. So, we challenged the dual brains of Geoff Higgins and David Braziel to come up with a handy webinar to look at practical tips and tools on how to make remote board meetings more efficient, fluid and productive. 

It’s free and open to everyone, so save your spot on the next one. We’d love to see you there.

Can we do more? We want to know if there’s more we can do to make this time any easier. Feel free to ask us anything, probably best if it’s governance related though, and we’ll do our best to help.

Stay safe.

Sinead Higgins
Business Director


Sligo Credit Union - A Customer Story


Tools for remote governance